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Kindle Digestive Fire. Stoke Creative Spark.

Kellen Brugman, Certified Ayurveda Lifestyle Counselor, yoga teacher and holistic wellness coach is special guest teacher for the September “Journey Home to Ourselves” event in Northern Michigan this fall. She is teaching - Kindle Digestive Fire and Stoke Creative Spark.

Through yoga-ish movement, breath meditation, and Ayurveda self-care tips, you will learn to ignite, kindle, tend, and nourish digestive fire in your body, mind, and creative spirit.

We will gather at hearth of heart space. Light candles and ignite curiousity. Kellen will navigate you through spiritual adventure of Ayurvedic holistic wisdom, yoga-ish flow, and sacred breathing practice. Support nervous system through an energetic tapas ceremony that removes old thought patterns and emotions smothering your creative fire. Then, stoke your creative spark through blank page meditation. This journey will help you transform fear to love and doubt to courage.

Release what no longer feels or tastes like nourishment. Stoke creative fire with your inherent gifts and creativity.

Nourish creative sparks and digestive fire.

Flourish Soul’s purpose and well-Being!

August 3

Come to Your Senses

September 29

Sunsets and Blissful Sleep