Health begins in digestive tract. About 80% of your immune system resides here.

“Healthy digestion supports vitality, immunity, and longevity. According to Ayurveda, signs of healthy digestion include: steady energy, regular elimination, glowing complexion, toned muscles, strong bones, mental clarity, and a positive and relaxed attitude.”

— Kellen Brugman

Support sinuses and lungs during springtime Citrine Cleanse Tea.

An organic, tea elixir crafted in Ojai and brimming with magic. A blend of Hawaiian Ginger, Italian Fennel, Turmeric, Thai Lemongrass, and Calendula Petals. Click button to learn more benefits.

When digestion is stressed, metabolism, energy level, moods, and sleep patterns are disrupted.

All of the above weakens immune system. All of the below helps strengthen immune system.

Build Immunity Portfolio with These Digestive Assets

Kindle Digestive Fire.

Gently and effectively tone and detox digestive system. Vata types, with space and air elements predominant in their constitution, can have irregular digestion. If you experience burps, bloating, gas, and constipation, put Triphala tablets on your supplement balance sheet. It supports steady digestion and smooth elimination.

Click here for more info and to order.

Cool Digestive Heat.

Support better digestion, absorption, and assimilation of foods. Pitta dosha governs the body’s digestive and metabolic functions. Excess stomach acid scorches digestive system, causing acid indigestion, sour belching, or peptic ulcers. Cut back on oily, spicy foods and invest in this cooling herb.

Click here for more info and to order.

Stoke Sluggish Gut.

Eating too many heavy, cold foods and late night dinners are like putting damp wood on a campfire. Over time, digestion becomes slow and sluggish. Excess carbs, sweets, meats, and cheese stress digestive fire by slowing down metabolism. Stoke your digestive fire and support kapha dosha with this trio and enjoy less sugar cravings and enhanced metabolism.

Click here for more info and to order.


What People Are Saying


“One cannot think well, love well, if one has not dined well.”

— Virginia Woolf

“Kellen’s Kitchari is the perfect food- brimming with the good stuff, aromatic, delicious and satisfying. It nourishes the body and spirit as well.”

— Emmylou Harris


Songwriter’s Kitchari

Simple to make. Easy to digest. Nourishing dish that tastes delish. Make it #1 on your recipe chart!

Relationships. Community.

Both Boost Immunity.

I personally use and recommend to my clients Banyan Botanicals and Maharishi Ayurveda products and supplements. Their products are organic, fair trade, and tested to the highest quality standards. 

When investing in a holistic wellbeing portfolio, consult with your medical professionals. These Ayurvedic suggestions are most effective when integrated into your current healthcare system.